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Gemini Queen

I am Ves Chilcutt.  I  retired from the University of Michigan as a Recruiting Coordinator Oct. 17, 2008.   I worked there for a total of 21 years. I am enjoying my new life in the state of Florida.

I thought I would take a stab at building my own Web site.  Some of you may already know where I was born.  But for those of you who do not...I was born in the beautiful state of West Virginia.  Welch, WV to be exact.  

Not all of West Virginia has the beautiful scenery you see in advertisements, or movies.  There is a side of the state most people don't see.  I had the chance to visit my hometown of Welch, in  April of 2007.  I was in shock at the amount of poverty that abounds in the state.  So many people are very poor and they know no other life.  Generations have grown up in Welch and other small towns in W.Virginia, never to leave or see anything different.  Many people if given the chance to move and start a better life would never leave.  We spoke to many people who have lived there all of their lives. 

As we drove through my town, I remembered my mom telling us about houses that were built into the hills.  She told us how they could stand on their porches and look down and talk to their neighbors below them. As a young child I could not imagine any of this.  That it was possible to build a house into  the hills.   But seeing is believing.  It is an amazing experience traveling back in time.   Now that you know a little bit about my background, please take the time and view my website.  Thank you for visiting.


Story of Welch, WV coal mines and rampant diabetes

Please check out recent pictures of my trip south.  If nothing else, they are a great source for teaching thankfulness.  When viewing the pictures, just think what all you could do to help your fellow man.  We all live in this big, beautiful world.  We need to come together as one and try to reach out to those less fortunate.  Some people are born givers, I happen to be one of those people.  If I can't do it monetarily, I find other ways that I can reach out and help.

West Virginia is 2nd in the country for Diabetes.  They have the second highest total of confirmed diabetes cases.  Aproximately 53,000 do not even know they have it.  I used to wonder why the numbers were so high in this state.  One of the main reasons is poverty.  It has been proven that people who are living at the poverty level have no means for acquiring medical insurance.  Therefore things that should be monitored are not.  They have no way of paying a doctor, or a dentist.  They have more pressing issues...how am I going to feed my family today. 


I will continually update my website.  So please stay tuned.  And please take a moment to sign my guest book.